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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  March 28, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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still withh lion is five big stories beginning trappedee children in their own waste. >> i'm so glad that little girl enough to get help. >> a surprising revelation our
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team and covers. the president's address on libya. >> we have a responsibility to act. >> what is really in our water? the fear of japan leads to protest at the white house. alcohol and checkpoints. your safety. why is clint eastwood in town? pictures you won't want to mess. captioned by the national captioning institute a shocking abuse case over teo virginia parents are of trapping three small children in a room naked. abc7 discovers the mother was accused of child neglect years ago. this unfolded in bristow. jay korff is live with the investigation.
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2005 theytell us in moore ested christina her sons were found unattended near a busy in the county. now she faces similar charges involving her three charges. >> this is sad. home is surrounded by of items you would expect to see outside a home filled with young children. it is what happened inside that these parents behind bars. >> you don't do that to a child. we are supposed to treat them way. >> authorities alleged this their children inside a bedroom saturday night of dry wall piece to the door.
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old estate. >> i am glad they did because that kids don't deserve life. >> police believe the girls were room for no more than a day but neighbors have seen police before. >> what they would have arguments every now and then. back in 2005 abc 7 news did a moore.n christina she was arrested after her twin boys were found wandering near a busy road. >> they had several operations their feet and they were unkempt. they appeared very hungry. 2005 forher arrest in in child placed protective services. now her daughters have been her and placed
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in child protective services. of the legalwn problems they face. they face child abuse charges. moore is charged with child look like. her boys were not in the house the latest incident. they are both behind bars held bound -- held without bond. e are days away from april 1 but temperatures will drop below freezing. bob ryan has a first look at the public. >> year we are april and it is but it willpring the old enough to hurt cherry blossoms. downtown is 42 degrees by 36 degrees downtown. nothing on doppler. skies were clear with the
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conditions we have had. it will be a morning with around 29 degrees. it will still be some more taste the dreaded wintery mix before we get through this week. i will tell you all the details. obama president the nation for the first the u.s. bombed libya to stop muammar gaddafi from attacking his own people. a failure to act would have a betrayal of who we are as he said., this speech comes amid criticism democrats and republicans. john has more on what is next for the white house. >> secretary of state hillary in london withet opposition and
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from 30 nations. failing to intervene in libya left the world watching and at the humanitarian disaster unfold. >> the people have been ruled by tyrant, muammar gaddafi. e has exploited their guelph, opponents at home and abroad and terrorize innocent people. >> it went on for a year in bosnia before the world responded. >> tonight we have stopped the deadly attacks. >> hours earlier rebels recaptured crucial territory. the president said he fulfilled promises and no ground troops. nato takes over on wednesday. >>for those who doubted our
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capacity to take care of this the u.s. has done said we would do. >> he pushed back who said the goal should go beyond the e of protecting civilians. >> broadening our missions include regime changes would be a mistake. we went down that road in iraq. wherever people want to be free, they will find a friend in the u.s. >> that may be a popular line in the world but it hollow in pro-democracy demonstration areas that are backing for the u.s. bahrain and ke syria. will have moree" on whether americans support the president's actions.
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it airs after we finish. >> the white house took center stage with the nuclear radiation concerns in japan. 24 hours after we learned radiation reached the waters in virginiaand came out. >> the maryland department of says the radioactive substances are moving through water. it goes into the clouds and pacific.cross the radiation levels don't pose a us by people are to nuclear an end power plants. dozensongs and candles, thet to show support for people of japan living to the of an earthquake and the nuclear crisis. >> we learned over 10,000 people
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died in japan. >> you have a tremendous amount suffering when something bad happens. >> in japan residents chant no more in front of the headquarters. traces of plutonium have been detected outside the plant. they claim it is not a public threat but many are calling for another agency to take over. >> they should put a team of scientists in charge with the call out the japanese military. >> trace amounts of radiation been contacted in both of the u.s. >> it is not surprising something mixes with water will travel. >> concerned residents are the white house to end nuclear power. we should start figuring out
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to be phased out the current fleet? water isctive currently spelling out of reactor two. some of that water has [unintelligible] park police need your help as they search for the who robbed a man along the national mall. it happened at the smithsonian institute's. officers said two masked men the victim's d fled without taking anything. d.c. mayor vincent gray his first state of the district address. this comes amid a series of scandals. the mayor invoked his campaign slogan, saying the district is moving forward as one city. >> i see people around the city
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then what is in store for us is something great. servicehose moments of all the energyin challenges.eet the >> the mayor talked about possible budget cuts to make up for a $322 million shortfall. he is expected to outline his the city council on friday. a bill allowing binaries to ship products to people was passed. allowing winery's to ship products. governor martin o'malley says he will sign the legislation. clint eastwood behind the camera. the direction he is taking in our region. christmas shopping and your
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smart phones. the local supermarket chain going high-tech. the local supermarket chain going high-tech. >> do you use those apps on
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[music playing] america's beverage companies are working together to put more information right up front... adding new calorie labels to every single can, bottle, and pack the..produce... so you can make the choice that's right for you.
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alcohol and your smart fund. push to make sure not linking together to drivers on the road. >> it has to do with smart phone apps that tell drivers the dui checkpoints. why some call this a matter of life or death. >> right now 11 million people apps. the u.s. use these you could figure out where are where they live. >> your index finger. >> it is all over the web. red light cameras and dui enforcement. websites advertise ways
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technology turns the tables on cops. >> it kind of defeats the purpose. >> the attorneys general for delaware want them ban smart phone applications where policevers located.ts are legalhink it should be with these applications to be because it is helping to law. the >> research in motion agreed to the applications on store.ine however, the association for competitive technology asked withdraw the request it would ban the flow of similar information on social networking sites. you have some way that anyway what does whether they do it app or a call from a
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friend. >> one of the company's we it does notys encourage drivers to drink and drive. on their web site they are de dui new high-tech way to save your grocery shopping. app wherean shoppers can upload the most recent coupons in the place have grown trees delivered. you can also check gasoline discount balances. >> we have an inside look at the "j.uction of the new film edgar." we were sent these eyewitness
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of director clint eastwood. earlier today he was outside the town court house in virginia. the film stars be in order to capriole, although -- stars leonardo dicaprio. >> i see he was smart enough to his heavy coat with him. with aad an eastwoood northwest wind. i hope he is not watching. even with the cold winds we have had -- we had some great pictures from the weekend. even as chilly as it is, the cherry blossoms will be out in all their splendor. it is not cold enough to freeze them. they will stay around for although we will be
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some mixed bags coming in. that may do a little bit but the right blossoms will be around until the end of the weekend. got a great picture? send it to us. our eyewitness from up in space. you can see the influence of the elevation. these spots are 1,000 feet up. around us just a few high clouds today. there may be a little bit more snow. look at these temperatures. right now at rock fell, 36 degrees. -- right now in rockville, 36 degrees. a lot of really cold spots. the overall pattern right now is
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the jet stream continuing to dive to the east. i think it will continue through part of the week. the cold air continues over us. look at these high temperatures. temperatures for highs today into the 40's. that means parts like raleigh were 20 degrees below average. even in oklahoma city are 15 degrees below average. overnight tonight we will that coldo see pattern around us. later on there will be a series of low pressure systems coming r way. even with this northwesterly some of those may bring a bit of a mixed bag as we get into wednesday afternoon. tomorrow a lot of sunshine but temperatures 30-32 degrees.
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if you are filling out in bundle up again. temperatures once again close 10 degrees below average. on wednesday we will be seeing some chilly rain coming in. certainly not any nasty winter weather. as we get later on into the feeling a bit more like springtime.
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>> the young stars were out at the kennedy center tonight. the d.c. capital stars great -- n had a olympic gold medalist dominique dawes in the miss america 2007. >> that was not miss america. >> there she is.
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encourages district students to college.from >> mr. america. >> not at all. >> great stuff. a d.c. legend calls it quits. the wizards jazz up their road it is all coming up in sports.
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i can't say enough about them. i can go in, get the things i need, and i know i'm saving money. why would i shop anywhere else? at giant, we want to thank you for making us the store you opve to shop for over 75 years. this week, look for savings in every aisle, just for you. like super g boneless chicken breasts, $1.99 a pound. and pepsi 2-liters, just 10 for $10. i pay for my groceries, and i look at the bottom of the receipt, i'm like, "yes! i did it!" that works for me. more savings every time you shop, with your giant card.
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most of the nba fans were anthony, themello wizard at 24 points out of john wall. sometimes the wizard's look like live up toarting to all that young talent. dominated the first half with 24 points. jordan crawford with one of the easiest you will ever see. the slam dunk at the other end. e wizards trailed by two. at this. hit a fadeaway jumper to tie at 85. now they are in overtime. the wizards trying to hold on to
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their second win of the year road. everybody got pumped up when alex ovechkin skated back on the ice. becauseekthe of nagging ailments. the capitals won two of the him. games without bruce boudreau says he is not yet. he also got after the media for insinuating he was just getting the playoffs. >> he is not just taking a week because he feels like it. his injuries necessitated he takes time off. we have not disclosed what it was. he has had a great second half. to nouri football coach resigned. his team to tell them. having won 87% of his games and
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360 of his players earned college scholarships. i am told he has a business by thenity provided school football coach. how about these two montana teenagers? they played tennis for 60 to set a new war the longest singles match ever played. they were allowed to have a five every hour to eat get off their feet. a new record has yet to be confirmed but they have already raised $7,000 for charity. >> they just from mccafé are real fruit,
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as in ststwberries, blackberries, blueberries, and bananas, which mamas them relyly delicious. ♪ that's what we're made of. ♪
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>> give us a warm forecast.
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this is the forecast for tomorrow. 31 degrees tomorrow and a high only of but it will be sunny. >> we will take what we can get. have a good night. ♪
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♪ la la-la-la-la la la la ♪


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